Cancel Rent! Cancel Mortgages!
The total amount of unpaid rent debt for LA County could be as high as $1.34 billion by January 2021.1 Angelenos need relief now.
Join the Campaign
Los Angeles Rent and Mortgage Cancellation Policy Platform
This three-part policy framework outlines a plan for local action to protect public health, maintain housing stability, and facilitate economic recovery by cancelling rent obligations, providing mortgage relief for vulnerable homeowners and landlords, and providing targeted financial relief to impacted landlords.
Plataforma de Política de Cancelación de Hipotecas y Alquileres de Los Ángeles
Este marco de política de tres partes describe un plan para la acción local para proteger la salud pública, mantener la estabilidad de la vivienda y facilitar la recuperación económica mediante la cancelación de las obligaciones de alquiler, proporcionando alivio hipotecario para los propietarios y propietarios vulnerables, y brindando un alivio financiero específico a los propietarios afectados.
Data Brief for the Healthy LA Rent and Mortgage Cancellation Platform
Those at the lowest income levels–tenants, and people of color–who are disproportionately devastated by the pandemic, also face disproportionate job losses and are more likely to be behind on rent. READ MORE
Coming soon!
Join and Endorse – Organizations
Since March, almost 70%, of all low-income households have lost income during the pandemic.2 As of Dec 7, 2020, an estimated average of 660,846 renters in the Los Angeles metropolitan area (MSA) are behind on their rent.3 Join the movement!
This form is only for representatives of organizations to endorse the Cancel Rent & Mortgages platform. If you’re an individual who wants to endorse and contact your elected officials, click here.
Join+Email Your Rep – Individuals
We are urging the Los Angeles City Council and the Board of Supervisors of Los Angeles County to sign the Housing is Health Pledge.
Our elected officials must commit to introduce and vote in support of policies that:
- Cancel Rent Download Policy Platform in ENGLISH and SPANISH
- Cancel Mortgage debt of homeowners and small landlords
- Codify a Right to Counsel for tenants facing eviction
- Stop the Sweeps of our unhoused neighbors’ possessions and allocate funding to guarantee permanent housing to our unhoused neighbors, starting with Project Room Key participants
Use the form below to send a message to your representative urging them to sign the pledge. (We ask for your address to figure out which elected officials should get your message.)
This form is sponsored by Healthy LA and hosted by LA Forward Action. Your data won’t be shared outside the organization, except with the elected officials you contacted. If you check the subscribe box, you may unsubscribe or delete your data anytime you choose.
Campaign Endorsers
5 Gyres | A Place Called Home | AAPI Christians for Social Justice | Abundant Housing LA |
Ace Los Angeles | ACLU of Southern California | ActiveSGV | Advancement Project California |
AFSCME District Council 36 | AFT1521 – Los Angeles College Faculty Guild | Ahri for Justice | All California |
Alliance for a Better Community | Alliance for Community Transit (ACT-LA) | Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment (ACCE) | Alternative Field |
American Federation of Musicians Local 47 | American Federation of Teachers Local 1521 Los Angeles College Faculty Guild – Student Internship Program | American Friends Service Committee – Los Angeles | American Indian Movement So Cal |
Angeles Workshop | Anti-Eviction Mapping Project | Anti-Racist Action Los Angeles | API RISE |
Arts for LA | Asian Americans Advancing Justice – Los Angeles | Asian Americans for Housing and Environmental Justice | Asian Pacific Islander Forward Movement |
Asian Pacific Policy and Planning Council (AP3CON) | Asians in LA | AZUL | BASTA, INC. |
Beit T’Shuvah | Bend the Arc: Jewish Action | Bet Tzedek | Beverly and Vermont Community Land Trust |
Biocitizen LA | Black Jewish Justice Alliance | Bread Head | Brotherhood Crusade |
Burbank Tenants’ Rights Committee | CA Healthy Nail Salon Collaborative | CADRE | California Community Foundation |
California LULAC | California OneCare Education Fund | California Pan-Ethnic Health Network (CPEHN) | California Work & Family Coalition |
California YIMBY | CASA of Los Angeles | CD Tech | Children’s Defense Fund California |
CLEAN Carwash Campaign | Clergy and Laity United for Economic Justice (CLUE) | Climate Resolve | Clockshop |
Coalition for Economic Survival | Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights (CHIRLA) | CODEPINK | Collective REMAKE |
Committee for Better Banks | Communications Workers of America – District 9 | Communities For A Better Environment | Community Clinic Association of Los Angeles County |
Community Coalition | Community Health Councils | Community Power Collective | CRSP Institute for Urban Ecovillages |
CSH | Deep Green Housing and Community Development | Democrats of Pasadena Foothills | Dignity and Power Now |
East LA Community Corporation (ELACC) | East Los Angeles Women’s Center | Eastside LEADS | Echo Park Film Center |
End Homelessness Now LA | Energy Efficiency for All-Los Angeles | Esperanza Community Housing Corporation | Eviction Defense Network |
Executive Service Corps of Southern California | Fair Work Week LA | Faith and Community Empowerment (formerly KCCD) | Feel the Bern – SFV Democratic Club |
Feminists in Action | Flatten the Curve NGO | Food & Water Watch | Food 4 Solidarity |
Foothills Kitchen | Friends of the Los Angeles River | Friends Of The Observatory | From Lot to Spot |
Garment Worker Center | Gender Justice LA | Grass Roots Neighbors | Green Party of Los Angeles County |
Ground Game LA | Habonim Dror Camp Gilboa | Hand in Hand: Domestic Employers Network | Haven Neighborhood Services |
Heal the Bay | Healing California | HEART L.A. – Housing Equality & Advocacy Resource Team | HODG |
Hollywood NOW | Homeless Health Care Los Angeles | | Housing is a Human Right – AHF |
Housing Rights Center | ICNA Council for Social Justice – California | ILM Foundation | Inclusive Action for the City |
Inner City Law Center | InnerCity Struggle | Inquilinos Unidos | Institute for Transportation and Development Policy |
Institute on Inequality and Democracy at UCLA Luskin | Instituto de Avance Latino | Instituto de Educacion Popular del Sur de California | Interfaith Communities United for Justice and Peace |
Interfaith Solidarity Network | Investing in Place | Invisible People | Jewish Center for Justice |
Jewish Collaborative of Orange County | Jewish Voice for Peace, Los Angeles | Jobs to Move America | Keep Neighborhoods First |
Khmer Girls in Action | Korean Resource Center (KRC) | Koreatown Immigrant Workers Alliance (KIWA) | Kounkuey Design Initiative (KDI) |
KPFK | KTown for All | La Defensa | LA Forward |
LA River Communities for Environmental Equity ( | LA Voice | LA-Más | LCLAA Los Angeles (Labor Council for Latin American Advancement) |
League of Women Voters of Los Angeles | Leap Lab | Legacy LA | Level Ground |
Liberty Hill Foundation | LIFT-Los Angeles | Little Tokyo Service Center (LTSC) | Long Beach Residents Empowered |
Los Angeles Alliance for a New Economy (LAANE) | Los Angeles Black Worker Center | Los Angeles Center for Community Law and Action | Los Angeles Community Action Network (LA CAN) |
Los Angeles County Democratic Party | Los Angeles Metaphysical Library | Los Angeles Neighborhood Land Trust | Los Angeles Nightlife Alliance (LANA) |
Los Angeles United Methodist Urban Foundation | Los Angeles Urban League | Los Angeles Walks | Los Angeles Workers Educational Society |
March And Rally Los Angeles | Maternal and Child Health Access | MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger | Me Too Survivors’ March International |
Mental Health Advocacy Services, Inc. | MeToo Survivors | Miguel Contreras Foundation | Mobile Workers Alliance |
Momtivist | Museum of Social Justice | National Alliance for Filipino Concerns (NAFCON Los Angeles) | National Asian Pacific American Families Against Substance Abuse (NAPAFASA) |
National Council of Jewish Women | Los Angeles (NCJW-LA) | National Council of Jewish Women Long Beach/Serving Greater Long Beach and West Orange County | National Health Foundation | National Latino Evangelical Coalition |
National Lawyers Guild of Los Angeles | National Organization of Legal Services Workers | Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) | Neighborhood Housing Services of LA County (NHS-LA) |
Nonprofit Finance Fund | Occupy /Abolish ICE L.A | One LA – IAF | Orange County Alliance for Just Change |
Our Revolution Los Angeles | OurWaterLA | Pacoima Beautiful | Para Los Ninos |
Parent Revolution | Pasadena Tenants Union | Peace Over Violence | People for Mobility Justice |
People Organized for Westside Renewal (POWER) | Physicians for Social Responsibility – Los Angeles (PSR-LA) | Pilipino Workers Center of Southern California | Poor People’s Campaign California |
Poor People’s Campaign Los Angeles | POPS the Club | Power California | Prevention Institute |
Procovery Institute | Progressive Asian Network for Action | Project Mask LA | Public Counsel |
Public Health Advocates | Public Health Awakened, LA chapter | PUENTE Learning Center | Resisterhood LA |
Restaurant Opportunities Center of Los Angeles | Roofers Local 36 | Sacred Places Institute for Indigenous Peoples | Safe Place for Youth |
Sages & Seekers | Santa Monica Democratic Club | Santa Monica Ecovillage Network (In formation) | Santa Monicans for Renters’ Rights (SMRR) |
SCOPE | SEE-LA (Social Eco Education-LA) | Seeds for Youth Development | SEIU Local 2015 |
SEIU Local 721 | SEIU Local 99 | Self Help Graphics & Art | Sierra Club |
SoCal 350 Climate Action | Social Justice Learning Institute | Solidarity Research Center | South Central Farm |
Southeast Asian Community Alliance (SEACA) | Southern CA Coalition for Occupational Safety & Health (SoCalCOSH) | Stonewall Democratic Club | Stories From The Frontline |
Strategic Actions for a Just Economy (SAJE) | Streets For All | Students Deserve | Sunrise Movement Los Angeles |
T.R.U.S.T. South LA | Taxi Workers Association of Los Angeles | Teamsters Local 399 | Tenants Together |
Thai Community Development Center | The Center in Hollywood | The Dandelion Collective | The Dinner Party |
The Future Left | The Greenlining Institute | The Trust for Public Land | The Wilderness Society |
Toberman Neighborhood Center | U.S Vets Homeless Feeding & Housing Services | UCLA Labor Center | Unincorporated Tenants United (UTU) |
Union Station Homeless Services | Unite a Nation | Unite Here Local 11 | United Parents and Students (UPAS) |
United Steelworkers Local 675 | United Way of Greater Los Angeles | Unrig LA | Urban & Environmental Policy, Institute at Occidental College |
Valley Jewish Community Center | Venice Community Housing | Venice Equity Alliance | Venice Justice Committee |
West Valley Homes YES | Westwood for All | White People 4 Black Lives | Worksite Wellness LA |
Would Works | Young Storytellers |
Religious Congregations & Denominations
Academy for Judaic, Christian, and Islamic Studies | All Saints Church Pasadena | Beloved Everybody Church | Beth Shir Shalom |
Blessed Sacrament Church of Hollywood | Centro de Vida Victoriosa AG | Chosen Generation Fellowship Church | Culver City Presbyterian Church |
Dolores Mission Church | Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles Bishop’s Office | FBC Pasadena | Holy Faith Episcopal Church |
IKAR Jewish Community | Immanuel Presbyterian Church | Inglewood First UMC | Knox Presbyterian |
Leo Baeck Temple | Los Angeles Faith Chapel | McCarty Memorial Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) | Nefesh Jewish Community |
New City Church of Los Angeles | Northland Village Church | PazNaz | Presbytery of the Pacific |
Samuel | Shtibl Minyan | St. Athanasius Episcopal Church | St. Luke’s Episcopal Church Los Angeles |
St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church | Temple Israel of Hollywood | The Congregational Church of Chatsworth | The RowLA – The Church Without Walls – Skid Row |
Unitarian Universalist Community Church of Santa Monica: Faith In Action Commission | United Church of Christ, SoCal Nevada Conference | United Methodist Church, Cal-Pac Conference, Justice & Compassion Ministries Office |
ABBI RETAIL GROUP INC. | Arlene Hopkins & Associates | Castelblanco Law Group, APLC | Château Shatto |
Elder & Spencer, LLP | Gideb | Johnson’s Water Solutions | K-Parking, LLC |
Life Development Group | Melrose Lightspace Studio | Momentum Solutions | Ooga Booga |
Plan it Blue | Poised Creatures Productions | PowerMyLearning – Los Angeles | Rantum Scoot Productions |
Responsive Homes | Revolutionario North African Tacos | Ron Milam Consulting | Sarah Leddy Dance Project |
Skid Row Coffee | Skid Row People’s Market | Social Good Solutions | Sound Connection LA |
SWARD Productions, INC. | The Strategist Company, LLC | Trade Show Temps | Weinberg, Roger & Rosenfeld, A Professional Corporation |