We are urging the Los Angeles City Council and the Board of Supervisors of Los Angeles County to sign the Housing is Health Pledge and commit to introduce and vote in support of policies that:
- Cancel Rent Download Policy Platform in ENGLISH and SPANISH
- Cancel Mortgage debt of homeowners and small landlords

- Codify a Right to Counsel for tenants facing eviction
- Stop the Sweeps of our unhoused neighbors’ possessions and allocate funding to guarantee permanent housing to our unhoused neighbors, starting with Project Room Key participants
Use the form below to send a message to your representative urging them to sign the pledge. (We ask for your address to figure out which elected officials should get your message.)
This form is sponsored by Healthy LA and hosted by LA Forward Action. Your data won’t be shared outside the organization, except with the elected officials you contacted. If you check the subscribe box, you may unsubscribe or delete your data anytime you choose.